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Proflow Ignition Box, Multiple Spark CDI 6AL Ignition Box, 2 Rev Limiter Adjustable or Chip, Smooth Top, Black

Proflow Ignition Box, Multiple Spark CDI 6AL Ignition Box, 2 Rev Limiter Adjustable or Chip, Smooth Top, Black

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Regular price $373.22 AUD
Regular price $373.22 AUD Sale price $373.22 AUD
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Proflow's Universal black CDI 6AL ignition boxes will increase voltage across the plug gap, improving drivability and performance for everyday drivers. They can be installed on 4, 6 or 8 cylinder engines equipped with a 12 V negative ground electrical system and distributor. These high-powered sparks ensure complete combustion of the fuel mixture at racing RPM, which in turn produces more power! Comes with the option of white wire trigger or 2-wire magnetic pickup connections. Compatible with PFEIC8202, PFEIC8223, PFEIC92, PFEIC8207 Ignition Coils Specifications SPARK 115 mJ per Spark PRIMARY VOLTAGE 480 Volts SECONDARY VOLTAGE 44,000 Volts SPARK DURATION 20° Crankshaft Rotation CURRENT DRAW 1.0 Amp per 1,000 RPM VOLTAGE REQUIRED 10-18 Volts DIMENSIONS 4 1/8" x 8" x 2"

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